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Monday, October 26, 2020

Previous years Question Paper Subject Code: BHM116 Subject Nutrition


(Each question carries 10 marks)
1. What is BMR and explain the factors affecting it.
2. Define Energy. Discuss the various factors affecting energy requirements.
3. What are Carbohydrates? What functions do they perform in our body?
4. Define Dietary Carbohydrates. Classify them with the help of a chart. What are monosaccharides?
5. Discuss the importance of food in maintaining good health.
6. Classify nutrients and explain them briefly.

(Each question carries 5 marks)
1. Name the conditions that lead to obesity.
2. What are the health risk associated with Obesity?
3. Name the conditions that lead to under weight.

(1 Markers)
4. Match the columns
a. Kcal i)  9 Kcal/gram
b. Protein requirement ii) 4.2 Kilojoules
c. Fat         iii) 0.8 gram per kg of body weight
d. 1 Kcal iv) Liver
e. Glycogen v) Energy unit
f. Proteins         vi. hypervitaminosis
g. Vitamins         vii. energy
h. Minerals         viii. Protective function
i. Excessive vitamin intake ix. Micro nutrient
j. Carbohydrates         x. Macro nutrient

5. Fill in the blanks
a. Each gram of fat supplies __________ Kcal .
b. The three types of fat are saturated, unsaturated and __________ fat.
c. _____________ is an instrument used for measuring the energy value of food.
d. Carbohydrates contribute _________ % of energy requirements to the human body.
e. BMI stands for ______________ .
f. Glucose is also known as __________ .
g. Glycogen can be stored in the muscles and __________ .
h. On consumption proteins are broken down into __________ .
i. The BMR is ______% higher in males as compared to females.
j. ____________ and ____________ nutrients perform protective function to the human body.

6. State true or false
a. Fats are classified under micronutrients.
b. Energy is defined as the capacity for doing work.
c. 1-gram of carbohydrates gives 4-Kcal when oxidised in the body.
d. The BMR gradually decline with age at the rate of 2% for each decade after the age of 21 years. 
e. The full form of SDA is Special Dynamic Action.
f. Aerated soft drinks provide hollow calories.
g. Fats are classified under macronutrients.
h. The only source of Maltose is milk.
i. Vitamins and minerals are micro nutrients.
j. Aerated soft drinks provide hollow calories.
k. Disaccharides are made of 10 sugar molecules.
l. Carbohydrates do not provide dietary fiber.
m. Vitamin A and calcium is necessary for clotting of blood.

7. Q.4. Define the following terms ( Any 3)
a. BMI b. Malnutrition c. Available carbohydrates
d. Energy         e. Glycogen             f. Modified Diet
g. Hypervitaminosis         h. Unavailable Carbohydrates 
                                              (3 X 2 = 6)

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